Thursday, September 07, 2006

Grande Rivière

On August 19 Alastair, Terry, Neena and I made our way to Aripo in the late afternoon. We met up with my friend Thompson, who happened to have a group of 15 hikers in his front yard cleaning themselves up after a trip to the Aripo caves.

We had a chat with Thompson and then set up camp on the ridge overlooking his place which also affords a great view of Cerro del Aripo. Despite numerous mosquito bites we all had a good time.

The next day we left Aripo early as we were supposed to meet Olav, a german friend, at the airport on his return from Tobago. Unfortunately he missed his flight so the four of us made our way to Grande Rivière for lunch.

On our way home from Grande Rivière we accompanied Olav at his hotel near the airport and watched with envy as he ate his 11$US KFC chicken platter.

Neena teeters on the edge...

Nice hat, kid. Posted by Picasa


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